30 year reunion
Homer High School '77
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Group Photo - 2007
Photos From 30th Reunion in 2007
Registration Form

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To access the Alumni Bios, you'll need know the town we went to school in, and the school mascott (plural). Use lower case letters for both. To edit your bio, you will need the account number provided on the postcard. If you're confused by any of this, please send a note to either bspollen@aol.com or ivory@blue-vistas.com, and we'll do whatever we can to help.

The 30th reunion was held on the first weekend in August (2007) - from Friday the 3rd through Sunday the 5th.  If you attended, we're glad you came.  If you couldn't, we'll hope to see you next time. 

Clicking on the "Registration Form" link, in the menu on the left, will get you the form from this past reunion.  Sorry, but you're too late for that one.

We'll try to keep these pages up to date to keep people informed and get opinions on how we'll be proceeding: an ongoing plan for whatever reunion comes next. Towards that end, please visit the Discussion Board and chip into the conversation, even if it's just to say 'hi'.

Our on-line alumni bios are up and running. If you want to see a map of where everybody is, click on the graphic to the right.

You might also consider checking your contact information at Homer High's Alumni page by clicking "Homer High Class Lists" on the left side of the screen (thanks to Kathy Williams Smith for pointing this out). It's not our contact list, but why not be complete about it?

These pages may start out by looking kinda light, but they'll grow (the last ones certainly did!). As a start, we resurrected the set of pages that showed what we looked like in 6th grade.

visits since 3/17/07
Spollen & Ivory